Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Pidato Berbahasa Inggris


Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb

Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin washalatuwassala mu’ala asrafil ambiya iwall mursalin wa’ala alihi washahbihi ajma’in.

First let us praise and gratitude for the presence of Allah SWT who has given us health so that we can all come together at this time. Salawat and salam, don’t forget we pray to our great prophet Muhammad SAW. Well, this time I will explain my speech entitled BENEFITS OF LEARNING ENGLISH.

Everyone knows it's important to learn the English language. But there are also some people find it difficult english and hard to understand, especially about something called grammar. If we ask people overseas, they must assume that grammar is not important, but when writing in English is essential.

In this world there is no single person who can not speak English, could certainly if we want to learn and practice in the life of a little though. Although we only know vocabulary "yes, no, what's your name?" Was already included we can speak English, but we have to learn it again so that we could control the entire vocabulary.

Learn english in school besides, we also can learn English by following tutoring, private etc.. But if we do not have the time, we could also taught himself by buying books and then go to learn to speak English. If we can believe, it was inevitable. If we want to expedite the English language, we can listen to english music, english movies etc.. Although a little difficult but it can facilitate our English language.

In learning the English language we get a benefit that is, Accelerate our careers: if we can master the English language, very easy to get a job. Being a translator: Could have a side job as a translator, Pursue opportunities abroad: There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteers around the world, but almost exclusively only offered to those who master the English language

I think it's enough for my speech. If i have a mistake, I am very Sorry. and thank you for your attention and the last…

Wassalamu’alaikum wr.wb

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